Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Base Technique Analysis of Elementary *part I

News…News…..News…your require news

of basal analysis is information. Information which quickly, many and from trustworthy sources. Where information which you can use to analyse to movement of currency, that is coming from :

1.Instansi a[n state. You need policy soybean cake – policy of government in this time to issue – Economics issue, growth of Politics, Social and it is of course issue – Security issue.

2. Media Print, E – Media, and Television. You feel in era in this time, very easy to get news. My suggestion to get to news quickly is by follow some milis which studying concerning economicses of United States state as well as bevy milis all trader in indonesia * Register your enamel lah with local media a[n state, especially United States state, Europe and English, and it is of course register also your enamel to situs – Forex situs to get to news which later will be sent [by] lansung to your mail Ad for lah wake up morning, see television event lah loading concerning news – economic news and issue – important issue from an state * And still many possible other ways is you can find later along with time. Of so much many informations which you accept every day him, you will be able to find a or pattern of tren which now again in cermati from a[n state. Of pattern – news or pattern which you accept you can do analysis basally to know to movement of currency. Ambilah a example [of], when in july 2006 government of israel attack libanon. Is so that pursued by him of pasokan crude oil to whole world and this matter cause the price of raw him of world go up until will come near USD 80 per barrel. Increase of price of this him, causing the going up of exchange rate to dollar.

3. Analysis a expert or consultant. Though you is a expert is you also there is obliged to to listen expertly – ad for other economics when conversing, though that oppose against your patterned thinking even if. Use lah idea of them as your consideration in analysing a[n movement of currency, it is of course for the purpose of patterned thinking from all expert do not influence your own patterned thinkings as determinant of decision.


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